We want you to interact with us. Your input is one of the most important parts of our business plan, and we hope that collaboration with our customers results in a long term mutually beneficial relationship. This will be the foundation of our business.
We would appreciate it if you become a follower of this blog, our Facebook page and our Twitter page. We'll make it worthwhile - once we get rolling we promise we'll cook up some great give-aways, contests and other fun stuff.
If you like what you see, we would really appreciate it if you could help spread the word to your endurance athlete friends. Your help would be awesome and truly appreciated. We've started a Media Assets page with our logos on it if you'd like to have it.
Blog Comments & Getting In Touch
A couple notes on blog comments. We discussed at length whether or not we should use comment moderation and make all comments subject to approval. On the one hand, we thought that this practice would go against the openness we are trying to achieve. But on the other hand, we have some concerns about security.
Maybe we are paranoid (and probably are) but when the great ideas start rolling in, we want to make sure they don't get seen by potential competitors. But this thought in and of itself created a new dilemma - at this point we can only wish we are successful enough to get noticed by the competition!
This is the poilcy we came up with: Please leave comments - say hello, ask us general questions and help us build momentum. But if you want to contact us with a specific product idea or suggestion, please email us at enduranceathleteproject(at)gmail.com. All emails will be answered as soon as possible, and we can take things from there.
Though we are not reinventing the wheel, we are taking a slightly different approach to things. We are believers in the evolution of both business and endurance sports. ALL suggestions are welcome. And any input you have and patience you can muster as we start Endurance Athlete Project up is appreciated.